The Kelimutu Lake Festival has been held since August 7, 2014, beginning with a traditional buffalo cutting ceremony for 1,000 people. The Kelimutu Lake Festival was held at Pancasila Square, Ende Regency. In addition to culinary and handicraft exhibitions, travelers can also watch traditional ceremonies in the

Kelimutu three-color lake. This festival will be ended by the Patikah traditional ceremony, which is giving

offerings to the ancestors at Kelimutu Lake. The festival will respect the ritual traditions of Pati Ka Du’a Bapu Ata Mata from the Lio ethnic group in Flores. The Lio believes that Kelimutu Crater Lake is the final resting place of the soul, the place where all souls return after the journey of life ends. During Pati Ka Du’a Bapu Ata Mata the “Lionese” offering is present from various types of food for ancestors, Konde and Ratu. The ritual expresses gratitude for the past year through prayer and asking for blessings, welfare, health, and a good life for the coming year.

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